Abstract | U ovom diplomskom radu prikazano je zatečeno stanje te prijedlozi konstruktivne
sanacije sakralnog objekta kapele Svetog Klementa u Jalžabetu. Kapela je pravilno
orijentirana, pravokutnoga tlocrta, s tornjem ispred glavnog ulaza i sakristijom prizidanom na
južnoj strani. Svetište je kvadratno, nešto niže od broda, izvana utopljeno u zidnu masu. S
obzirom da se kapela spominje od sredine 14. stoljeća i izgrađena je od kamenog materijala te
opeke normalnog formata, veliku većinu njezinog oštećenja uzrokovali su prošlogodišnji
potresi. Detaljnim pregledom, ocjenjivanjem konstruktivnih elemenata, procjenom stanja
nosivosti, detekcijom nastalih deformacija objekta rađena je procjena uporabljivosti zgrade.
Prema zatečenom stanju predmetna građevina spada u privremeno neuporabljivu građevinu te
su potrebne mjere hitne intervencije PN2. Ne predstavlja opasnost za život i zdravlje ljudi te
zadovoljava uvjete uporabe ali nema dostatnu seizmičku otpornost.
Na temelju svih zatečenih oštećenja, dana su rješenja sanacije koje se sastoje od
kratkoročnih i dugoročnih mjera, odnosno trajne, tj. kompletnu sanaciju.
Predmet ovog diplomskog rada su sanacijske metode i konstruktivna obnova objekta s
vanjske strane, dok se unutrašnjost uređuje u drugoj fazi. Korišteni su posebni, suvremeni
materijali koji su s financijskog gledišta znatno skuplji ali u većini slučajeva su brži,
ekonomičniji, kompletniji te kvalitetniji. Objekt je u prvoj fazi obnove te su prikazani radovi
izvođenja nakon kojeg će se stabilizirati nosivost te povećati seizmička otpornost građevine,
ujedno i završiti estetski izgled svih pročelja te produljiti uporabni vijek trajanja za 100
godina. |
Abstract (english) | This thesis presents the current state and proposals for the constructive rehabilitation of the
sacred building of the chapel of St. Clement in Jalžabet. The chapel is properly oriented, with
a rectangular floor plan, with a tower in front of the main entrance and an attached sacristy on
the south side. The sanctuary is square, a little lower than the nave, outside it is sunk into the
wall mass. Given that the Chapel has been mentioned since the middle of the 14th century and
was built of stone material and bricks of normal format, the vast majority of its damage was
caused by last year's earthquakes. The usability of the building was assessed through a
detailed inspection, evaluation of structural elements, assessment of load-bearing capacity,
and detection of deformations of the building.
According to the found condition, the building in question belongs to the temporarily
unusable building, and urgent intervention measures PN2 are required. It does not pose a
threat to human life and health and meets the conditions of use, but does not have sufficient
seismic resistance.
Based on all the damage found, rehabilitation solutions were given, consisting of
short-term and long-term measures, or permanent, i.e. complete rehabilitation.
The subject of this diploma thesis is rehabilitation methods and constructive
renovation of the building from the outside, while the interior is arranged in the second phase.
Special, modern materials are used, which are significantly more expensive from a financial
point of view, but in most cases they are faster, more economical, more complete and of
better quality. The building is in the first stage of renovation, and the construction works are
presented, after which the load-bearing capacity will be stabilized and the seismic resistance
of the building will be increased, as well as the aesthetic appearance of all facades will be
finished and the service life will be extended by 100 years. |